[otrs-i18n] New Brazilian Portuguese translation for OTRS and ITSM modules (OTRS 3.3.3)
Murilo Moreira de Oliveira
2014-01-09 14:22:56 UTC
Good afternoon!

Follow attached improved Brazilian Portuguese translation files for all
OTRS and ITSM modules of OTRS version 3.3.3.

*Murilo Moreira de Oliveira*
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Martin Gruner
2014-01-10 14:44:33 UTC
Hi Murilo,

thank you very much! I applied the file for the OTRS framework.

Regards, mg
Post by Murilo Moreira de Oliveira
Good afternoon!
Follow attached improved Brazilian Portuguese translation files for all
OTRS and ITSM modules of OTRS version 3.3.3.
/*Murilo Moreira de Oliveira*/
OTRS mailing list: i18n - Webpage: http://otrs.org/
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Martin Gruner
Senior Developer R&D

Europaring 4
94315 Straubing

T: +49 (0)6172 681988 0
F: +49 (0)9421 56818 18
I: www.otrs.com/

Gesch?ftssitz: Bad Homburg, Amtsgericht: Bad Homburg, HRB 10751,
USt-Nr.: DE256610065
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Burchard Steinbild, Vorstand: Andr?
Mindermann (Vorsitzender), Christopher Kuhn, Sabine Riedel

Einfache Planung, bessere ?bersicht - Mit OTRS 3.3 einfach besseres
Service Management - Jetzt downloaden und testen
Murilo Moreira de Oliveira
2014-01-10 17:07:21 UTC
Hello Martin!

I'm very happy in contributing with this extraordinary tool. When you say
that applied the file for the OTRS framework, you mean that all files I've
supplied were merged in the project or only the files for OTRS framework?
And how about other modules (FAQ, ITSM etc.)? I've improved the files for
all the modules! Thank you.

2014/1/10 Martin Gruner <martin.gruner at otrs.com>
Post by Martin Gruner
Hi Murilo,
thank you very much! I applied the file for the OTRS framework.
Regards, mg
Post by Murilo Moreira de Oliveira
Good afternoon!
Follow attached improved Brazilian Portuguese translation files for all
OTRS and ITSM modules of OTRS version 3.3.3.
/*Murilo Moreira de Oliveira*/
OTRS mailing list: i18n - Webpage: http://otrs.org/
Archive: http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/i18n
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Martin Gruner
Senior Developer R&D
Europaring 4
94315 Straubing
T: +49 (0)6172 681988 0
F: +49 (0)9421 56818 18
I: www.otrs.com/
Gesch?ftssitz: Bad Homburg, Amtsgericht: Bad Homburg, HRB 10751,
USt-Nr.: DE256610065
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Burchard Steinbild, Vorstand: Andr?
Mindermann (Vorsitzender), Christopher Kuhn, Sabine Riedel
Einfache Planung, bessere ?bersicht - Mit OTRS 3.3 einfach besseres
Service Management - Jetzt downloaden und testen
OTRS mailing list: i18n - Webpage: http://otrs.org/
Archive: http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/i18n
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*Murilo Moreira de Oliveira*
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Udo Bretz
2014-01-10 23:03:06 UTC
Hi Murilo,

we also updated your translation files for ITSM, and the Survey module.
FAQ and TimeAccounting will follow in the next days.

Thanks again for contributing, and best regards,
Post by Murilo Moreira de Oliveira
Hello Martin!
I'm very happy in contributing with this extraordinary tool. When you
say that applied the file for the OTRS framework, you mean that all
files I've supplied were merged in the project or only the files for
OTRS framework? And how about other modules (FAQ, ITSM etc.)? I've
improved the files for all the modules! Thank you.
2014/1/10 Martin Gruner <martin.gruner at otrs.com
<mailto:martin.gruner at otrs.com>>
Hi Murilo,
thank you very much! I applied the file for the OTRS framework.
Regards, mg
Post by Murilo Moreira de Oliveira
Good afternoon!
Follow attached improved Brazilian Portuguese translation files
for all
Post by Murilo Moreira de Oliveira
OTRS and ITSM modules of OTRS version 3.3.3.
/*Murilo Moreira de Oliveira*/
OTRS mailing list: i18n - Webpage: http://otrs.org/
Archive: http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/i18n
To unsubscribe: http://lists.otrs.org/cgi-bin/listinfo/i18n
Martin Gruner
Senior Developer R&D
Europaring 4
94315 Straubing
T: +49 (0)6172 681988 0 <tel:%2B49%20%280%296172%20681988%200>
F: +49 (0)9421 56818 18 <tel:%2B49%20%280%299421%2056818%2018>
I: www.otrs.com/ <http://www.otrs.com/>
Gesch?ftssitz: Bad Homburg, Amtsgericht: Bad Homburg, HRB 10751,
USt-Nr.: DE256610065
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Burchard Steinbild, Vorstand: Andr?
Mindermann (Vorsitzender), Christopher Kuhn, Sabine Riedel
Einfache Planung, bessere ?bersicht - Mit OTRS 3.3 einfach besseres
Service Management - Jetzt downloaden und testen
OTRS mailing list: i18n - Webpage: http://otrs.org/
Archive: http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/i18n
To unsubscribe: http://lists.otrs.org/cgi-bin/listinfo/i18n
/*Murilo Moreira de Oliveira*/
OTRS mailing list: i18n - Webpage: http://otrs.org/
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