[otrs-i18n] Translation of OTRS manual to pt_BR
Carlos Xavier
2013-03-28 13:24:20 UTC

I started a translation task of OTRS manual. I followed the instructions from here
http://doc.otrs.org/developer/3.0/en/html/translating-docs.html and downloaded this file:

Revision 1.34 - (view) (download) (as text) - [select for diffs]
Wed Feb 6 14:43:56 2013 UTC (7 weeks ago) by mg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.33: +457 -450 lines
Diff to previous 1.33
Synchronized language version

I renamed the file to doc-admin.pt_BR.po and I'm working on it.
As I already have some work done I got some questions.
The first is, Am I with the correct file for translation or I picked the wrong one?
Looking deeper on the original file, it seams some lines aren't on the same order they are displayed on the web. This can be seen
for example on the line 1803 of the file, is that correct?
How can I send the translated job done? Do I have to send both .po and .mo files?
There will be a place where I can see how the work is going on?

Michiel Beijen
2013-03-28 13:55:43 UTC
Hi Carlos,

Thanks for the initiative!

Your URL point to the old version of the developer docs.

If you look at this:
http://doc.otrs.org/developer/3.1/en/html/translating-docs.html you'd see
the documentation is now on Github; source.otrs.org still exists but is not
up-to-date for modules that have been moved to Git.
This is probably also the reason why your files seem out-of-date: they
actually are!

(BTW there is no specific 3.2 developer documentation, we might want to
make just one 'OTRS Developer' handbook no longer tied to a specific

We'd only need the .po file. If you wish you can send it via this list, or
you can send it via a github pull request if you have the skills for that.
If you make some progress we can configure
http://doc.otrs.org/3.2/pt_BR/html/ or so to contain your work, so you can
check it on the web, and if you near completion we can add it to the list
of available languages.

Post by Carlos Xavier
I started a translation task of OTRS manual. I followed the instructions from here
Revision 1.34 - (view) (download) (as text) - [select for diffs]
Wed Feb 6 14:43:56 2013 UTC (7 weeks ago) by mg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.33: +457 -450 lines
Diff to previous 1.33
Synchronized language version
I renamed the file to doc-admin.pt_BR.po and I'm working on it.
As I already have some work done I got some questions.
The first is, Am I with the correct file for translation or I picked the wrong one?
Looking deeper on the original file, it seams some lines aren't on the
same order they are displayed on the web. This can be seen
for example on the line 1803 of the file, is that correct?
How can I send the translated job done? Do I have to send both .po and .mo files?
There will be a place where I can see how the work is going on?
OTRS mailing list: i18n - Webpage: http://otrs.org/
Archive: http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/i18n
To unsubscribe: http://lists.otrs.org/cgi-bin/listinfo/i18n
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Carlos Xavier
2013-03-28 18:51:51 UTC
Hi Mike.

I think there is something weird or I?m doing something wrong.

I read the link you sent me and got the source file to start all over again. I saved this file https://github.com/OTRS/doc-admin/blob/master/i18n/doc-admin.pot on my Documents folder and renamed it to doc-admin.pt_BR.po, When I tried to open it with Poedit, the same way I was doing with the old version of the documentation, just got a empty screen was shown.

The file was re-downloaded and renamed to doc-admin.pt_BR.pot, then I tried to add a new catalog from a pot file at Poedit with the same result. Also I tried to pens the file without renaming it and on all the attempts the result was the same.

Can you please take a look at this?

Am I doing something wrong with this version?



De: i18n-bounces at otrs.org [mailto:i18n-bounces at otrs.org] Em nome de Michiel Beijen
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 28 de mar?o de 2013 10:56
Para: Internationalization mailing list of OTRS.org
Assunto: Re: [otrs-i18n] Translation of OTRS manual to pt_BR

Hi Carlos,

Thanks for the initiative!

Your URL point to the old version of the developer docs.

If you look at this: http://doc.otrs.org/developer/3.1/en/html/translating-docs.html you'd see the documentation is now on Github; source.otrs.org still exists but is not up-to-date for modules that have been moved to Git.

This is probably also the reason why your files seem out-of-date: they actually are!

(BTW there is no specific 3.2 developer documentation, we might want to make just one 'OTRS Developer' handbook no longer tied to a specific version)

We'd only need the .po file. If you wish you can send it via this list, or you can send it via a github pull request if you have the skills for that.

If you make some progress we can configure http://doc.otrs.org/3.2/pt_BR/html/ or so to contain your work, so you can check it on the web, and if you near completion we can add it to the list of available languages.




On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Carlos Xavier <cbastos at connection.com.br> wrote:


I started a translation task of OTRS manual. I followed the instructions from here
http://doc.otrs.org/developer/3.0/en/html/translating-docs.html and downloaded this file:

Revision 1.34 - (view) (download) (as text) - [select for diffs]
Wed Feb 6 14:43:56 2013 UTC (7 weeks ago) by mg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.33: +457 -450 lines
Diff to previous 1.33
Synchronized language version

I renamed the file to doc-admin.pt_BR.po and I'm working on it.
As I already have some work done I got some questions.
The first is, Am I with the correct file for translation or I picked the wrong one?
Looking deeper on the original file, it seams some lines aren't on the same order they are displayed on the web. This can be seen
for example on the line 1803 of the file, is that correct?
How can I send the translated job done? Do I have to send both .po and .mo files?
There will be a place where I can see how the work is going on?


OTRS mailing list: i18n - Webpage: http://otrs.org/
Archive: http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/i18n
To unsubscribe: http://lists.otrs.org/cgi-bin/listinfo/i18n

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Carlos Xavier
2013-03-28 19:20:12 UTC
LOL Mike.

Please forget about this issue, I download the repository as a zip file and was able to recover the file.

Now restarting the work



De: i18n-bounces at otrs.org [mailto:i18n-bounces at otrs.org] Em nome de Carlos Xavier
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 28 de mar?o de 2013 15:52
Para: 'Internationalization mailing list of OTRS.org'
Assunto: [otrs-i18n] RES: Translation of OTRS manual to pt_BR

Hi Mike.

I think there is something weird or I?m doing something wrong.

I read the link you sent me and got the source file to start all over again. I saved this file https://github.com/OTRS/doc-admin/blob/master/i18n/doc-admin.pot on my Documents folder and renamed it to doc-admin.pt_BR.po, When I tried to open it with Poedit, the same way I was doing with the old version of the documentation, just got a empty screen was shown.

The file was re-downloaded and renamed to doc-admin.pt_BR.pot, then I tried to add a new catalog from a pot file at Poedit with the same result. Also I tried to pens the file without renaming it and on all the attempts the result was the same.

Can you please take a look at this?

Am I doing something wrong with this version?



De: i18n-bounces at otrs.org [mailto:i18n-bounces at otrs.org] Em nome de Michiel Beijen
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 28 de mar?o de 2013 10:56
Para: Internationalization mailing list of OTRS.org
Assunto: Re: [otrs-i18n] Translation of OTRS manual to pt_BR

Hi Carlos,

Thanks for the initiative!

Your URL point to the old version of the developer docs.

If you look at this: http://doc.otrs.org/developer/3.1/en/html/translating-docs.html you'd see the documentation is now on Github; source.otrs.org still exists but is not up-to-date for modules that have been moved to Git.

This is probably also the reason why your files seem out-of-date: they actually are!

(BTW there is no specific 3.2 developer documentation, we might want to make just one 'OTRS Developer' handbook no longer tied to a specific version)

We'd only need the .po file. If you wish you can send it via this list, or you can send it via a github pull request if you have the skills for that.

If you make some progress we can configure http://doc.otrs.org/3.2/pt_BR/html/ or so to contain your work, so you can check it on the web, and if you near completion we can add it to the list of available languages.




On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Carlos Xavier <cbastos at connection.com.br> wrote:


I started a translation task of OTRS manual. I followed the instructions from here
http://doc.otrs.org/developer/3.0/en/html/translating-docs.html and downloaded this file:

Revision 1.34 - (view) (download) (as text) - [select for diffs]
Wed Feb 6 14:43:56 2013 UTC (7 weeks ago) by mg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.33: +457 -450 lines
Diff to previous 1.33
Synchronized language version

I renamed the file to doc-admin.pt_BR.po and I'm working on it.
As I already have some work done I got some questions.
The first is, Am I with the correct file for translation or I picked the wrong one?
Looking deeper on the original file, it seams some lines aren't on the same order they are displayed on the web. This can be seen
for example on the line 1803 of the file, is that correct?
How can I send the translated job done? Do I have to send both .po and .mo files?
There will be a place where I can see how the work is going on?


OTRS mailing list: i18n - Webpage: http://otrs.org/
Archive: http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/i18n
To unsubscribe: http://lists.otrs.org/cgi-bin/listinfo/i18n

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Carlos Xavier
2013-04-10 19:23:29 UTC
Hi Mike.

I grabbed the file you pointed me and started the work all over again. Since I already got some job done, I?m sending it attached.

Now I?m wondering, after all the things on the right place, if the documentation got updated the file I?m sending to the list will be updated too?



De: i18n-bounces at otrs.org [mailto:i18n-bounces at otrs.org] Em nome de Michiel Beijen
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 28 de mar?o de 2013 10:56
Para: Internationalization mailing list of OTRS.org
Assunto: Re: [otrs-i18n] Translation of OTRS manual to pt_BR

Hi Carlos,

Thanks for the initiative!

Your URL point to the old version of the developer docs.

If you look at this: http://doc.otrs.org/developer/3.1/en/html/translating-docs.html you'd see the documentation is now on Github; source.otrs.org still exists but is not up-to-date for modules that have been moved to Git.

This is probably also the reason why your files seem out-of-date: they actually are!

(BTW there is no specific 3.2 developer documentation, we might want to make just one 'OTRS Developer' handbook no longer tied to a specific version)

We'd only need the .po file. If you wish you can send it via this list, or you can send it via a github pull request if you have the skills for that.

If you make some progress we can configure http://doc.otrs.org/3.2/pt_BR/html/ or so to contain your work, so you can check it on the web, and if you near completion we can add it to the list of available languages.




On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Carlos Xavier <cbastos at connection.com.br> wrote:


I started a translation task of OTRS manual. I followed the instructions from here
http://doc.otrs.org/developer/3.0/en/html/translating-docs.html and downloaded this file:

Revision 1.34 - (view) (download) (as text) - [select for diffs]
Wed Feb 6 14:43:56 2013 UTC (7 weeks ago) by mg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.33: +457 -450 lines
Diff to previous 1.33
Synchronized language version

I renamed the file to doc-admin.pt_BR.po and I'm working on it.
As I already have some work done I got some questions.
The first is, Am I with the correct file for translation or I picked the wrong one?
Looking deeper on the original file, it seams some lines aren't on the same order they are displayed on the web. This can be seen
for example on the line 1803 of the file, is that correct?
How can I send the translated job done? Do I have to send both .po and .mo files?
There will be a place where I can see how the work is going on?


OTRS mailing list: i18n - Webpage: http://otrs.org/
Archive: http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/i18n
To unsubscribe: http://lists.otrs.org/cgi-bin/listinfo/i18n

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Name: doc-admin.pt_BR.po
Type: application/octet-stream
Size: 1082711 bytes
Desc: not available
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Martin Gruner
2013-04-11 07:28:40 UTC
Hi Carlos,

very cool! I added your file to git and updated it to match the latest
state of the documentation. You can find the new version to proceed with

There are some small errors in the content, can you check the
corresponding strings please?

pt_BR/content/installation/packages.xml:575: parser error : Opening and
ending tag mismatch: para line 570 and application
application>cron</application> para Windows. Por essa raz?o, voc? s? deve
pt_BR/content/installation/packages.xml:579: parser error : Opening and
ending tag mismatch: important line 569 and para
pt_BR/content/installation/packages.xml:580: parser error : Opening and
ending tag mismatch: section line 547 and important
pt_BR/content/installation/packages.xml:583: parser error : Extra
content at the end of the document
pt_BR/content/installation-and-basic-configuration.xml:30: element
include: XInclude error : could not load
pt_BR/content/installation/packages.xml, and no fallback was found

In General, if you have some XML tags like:

This is <important>very important</important> text.

then they also need to be in the same way in the translated file, and
the tags should NOT be translated, like this:

Das ist <important>sehr wichtiger</important> Text.

Could you check this please? Feel free to send more updates to verify
your changes, if you want.

Best regards, mg
Post by Carlos Xavier
Hi Mike.
I grabbed the file you pointed me and started the work all over
again. Since I already got some job done, I'm sending it attached.
Now I?m wondering, after all the things on the right place, if the
documentation got updated the file I'm sending to the list will be
updated too?
*De:*i18n-bounces at otrs.org [mailto:i18n-bounces at otrs.org] *Em nome de
*Michiel Beijen
*Enviada em:* quinta-feira, 28 de mar?o de 2013 10:56
*Para:* Internationalization mailing list of OTRS.org
*Assunto:* Re: [otrs-i18n] Translation of OTRS manual to pt_BR
Hi Carlos,
Thanks for the initiative!
Your URL point to the old version of the developer docs.
http://doc.otrs.org/developer/3.1/en/html/translating-docs.html you'd
see the documentation is now on Github; source.otrs.org
<http://source.otrs.org> still exists but is not up-to-date for
modules that have been moved to Git.
This is probably also the reason why your files seem out-of-date: they actually are!
(BTW there is no specific 3.2 developer documentation, we might want
to make just one 'OTRS Developer' handbook no longer tied to a
specific version)
We'd only need the .po file. If you wish you can send it via this
list, or you can send it via a github pull request if you have the
skills for that.
If you make some progress we can configure
http://doc.otrs.org/3.2/pt_BR/html/ or so to contain your work, so you
can check it on the web, and if you near completion we can add it to
the list of available languages.
On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Carlos Xavier
I started a translation task of OTRS manual. I followed the
instructions from here
Revision 1.34 - (view) (download) (as text) - [select for diffs]
Wed Feb 6 14:43:56 2013 UTC (7 weeks ago) by mg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.33: +457 -450 lines
Diff to previous 1.33
Synchronized language version
I renamed the file to doc-admin.pt_BR.po and I'm working on it.
As I already have some work done I got some questions.
The first is, Am I with the correct file for translation or I picked the wrong one?
Looking deeper on the original file, it seams some lines aren't on the
same order they are displayed on the web. This can be seen
for example on the line 1803 of the file, is that correct?
How can I send the translated job done? Do I have to send both .po and .mo files?
There will be a place where I can see how the work is going on?
OTRS mailing list: i18n - Webpage: http://otrs.org/
Archive: http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/i18n
To unsubscribe: http://lists.otrs.org/cgi-bin/listinfo/i18n
OTRS mailing list: i18n - Webpage: http://otrs.org/
Archive: http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/i18n
To unsubscribe: http://lists.otrs.org/cgi-bin/listinfo/i18n
Martin Gruner
Senior Developer R&D

Europaring 4
94315 Straubing

T: +49 (0)6172 681988 0
F: +49 (0)9421 56818 18
I: www.otrs.com/

Gesch?ftssitz: Bad Homburg, Amtsgericht: Bad Homburg, HRB 10751, USt-Nr.: DE256610065
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Burchard Steinbild, Vorstand: Andr? Mindermann (Vorsitzender), Christopher Kuhn, Sabine Riedel

Mehr als ein Help Desk-System -- Prozess- und Kundenmanagement mit OTRS 3.2 -- Jetzt Fr?hbucherrabatt sichern:

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Carlos Xavier
2013-04-11 20:09:05 UTC
Hi Mike.

I found a missing opening tag that I think it?s the cause of the warnings.

I?m using Poedit to translate the file, before sending it I verified the
file with Poedit and no errors were found.

How can I check the file before submitting?



De: i18n-bounces at otrs.org [mailto:i18n-bounces at otrs.org] Em nome de Martin
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 11 de abril de 2013 04:29
Para: Internationalization mailing list of OTRS.org
Assunto: Re: [otrs-i18n] RES: Translation of OTRS manual to pt_BR

Hi Carlos,

very cool! I added your file to git and updated it to match the latest state
of the documentation. You can find the new version to proceed with here:

There are some small errors in the content, can you check the corresponding
strings please?

pt_BR/content/installation/packages.xml:575: parser error : Opening and
ending tag mismatch: para line 570 and application
application>cron</application> para Windows. Por essa raz?o, voc? s? deve
pt_BR/content/installation/packages.xml:579: parser error : Opening and
ending tag mismatch: important line 569 and para
pt_BR/content/installation/packages.xml:580: parser error : Opening and
ending tag mismatch: section line 547 and important
pt_BR/content/installation/packages.xml:583: parser error : Extra content at
the end of the document
pt_BR/content/installation-and-basic-configuration.xml:30: element include:
XInclude error : could not load pt_BR/content/installation/packages.xml, and
no fallback was found

In General, if you have some XML tags like:

This is <important>very important</important> text.

then they also need to be in the same way in the translated file, and the
tags should NOT be translated, like this:

Das ist <important>sehr wichtiger</important> Text.

Could you check this please? Feel free to send more updates to verify your
changes, if you want.

Best regards, mg

Am 10.04.13 21:23, schrieb Carlos Xavier:

Hi Mike.

I grabbed the file you pointed me and started the work all over again.
Since I already got some job done, I?m sending it attached.

Now I?m wondering, after all the things on the right place, if the
documentation got updated the file I?m sending to the list will be updated



De: i18n-bounces at otrs.org [mailto:i18n-bounces at otrs.org] Em nome de Michiel
Enviada em: quinta-feira, 28 de mar?o de 2013 10:56
Para: Internationalization mailing list of OTRS.org
Assunto: Re: [otrs-i18n] Translation of OTRS manual to pt_BR

Hi Carlos,

Thanks for the initiative!

Your URL point to the old version of the developer docs.

If you look at this:
http://doc.otrs.org/developer/3.1/en/html/translating-docs.html you'd see
the documentation is now on Github; source.otrs.org still exists but is not
up-to-date for modules that have been moved to Git.

This is probably also the reason why your files seem out-of-date: they
actually are!

(BTW there is no specific 3.2 developer documentation, we might want to make
just one 'OTRS Developer' handbook no longer tied to a specific version)

We'd only need the .po file. If you wish you can send it via this list, or
you can send it via a github pull request if you have the skills for that.

If you make some progress we can configure
http://doc.otrs.org/3.2/pt_BR/html/ or so to contain your work, so you can
check it on the web, and if you near completion we can add it to the list of
available languages.




On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Carlos Xavier <cbastos at connection.com.br>


I started a translation task of OTRS manual. I followed the instructions
from here
http://doc.otrs.org/developer/3.0/en/html/translating-docs.html and
downloaded this file:

Revision 1.34 - (view) (download) (as text) - [select for diffs]
Wed Feb 6 14:43:56 2013 UTC (7 weeks ago) by mg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.33: +457 -450 lines
Diff to previous 1.33
Synchronized language version

I renamed the file to doc-admin.pt_BR.po and I'm working on it.
As I already have some work done I got some questions.
The first is, Am I with the correct file for translation or I picked the
wrong one?
Looking deeper on the original file, it seams some lines aren't on the same
order they are displayed on the web. This can be seen
for example on the line 1803 of the file, is that correct?
How can I send the translated job done? Do I have to send both .po and .mo
There will be a place where I can see how the work is going on?


OTRS mailing list: i18n - Webpage: http://otrs.org/
Archive: http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/i18n
To unsubscribe: http://lists.otrs.org/cgi-bin/listinfo/i18n

OTRS mailing list: i18n - Webpage: http://otrs.org/
Archive: http://lists.otrs.org/pipermail/i18n
To unsubscribe: http://lists.otrs.org/cgi-bin/listinfo/i18n
Martin Gruner
Senior Developer R&D

Europaring 4
94315 Straubing

T: +49 (0)6172 681988 0
F: +49 (0)9421 56818 18
I: www.otrs.com/

Gesch?ftssitz: Bad Homburg, Amtsgericht: Bad Homburg, HRB 10751, USt-Nr.:
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Burchard Steinbild, Vorstand: Andr? Mindermann
(Vorsitzender), Christopher Kuhn, Sabine Riedel

Mehr als ein Help Desk-System ? Prozess- und Kundenmanagement mit OTRS 3.2 ?
Jetzt Fr?hbucherrabatt sichern:
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Martin Gruner
2013-04-18 13:53:05 UTC
Hi Carlos,

I'm not sure if Poedit does an XML validation in the strings. You can
check however:
- install po4a (http://po4a.alioth.debian.org/)
- clone https://github.com/OTRS/doc-admin
- replace i18n/pt_BR.po with your new file
- run 'po4a -v -k 0 po4a.conf' to synch the translation files and
regenerate the XML files, also for pt_BR (I haven't checked these in
yet) - that should tell you about XML errors.
- optional: run 'xmllint --postvalid --nonet --xinclude --noout
pt_BR/book.xml' to check the generated docbook XML files - this will
complain about some missing links that is ok as the doc reference
chapter is autogenerated and not in git.

Best regards, mg
Post by Carlos Xavier
Hi Mike.
I found a missing opening tag that I think it's the cause of the warnings.
I'm using Poedit to translate the file, before sending it I verified
the file with Poedit and no errors were found.
How can I check the file before submitting?
*De:*i18n-bounces at otrs.org [mailto:i18n-bounces at otrs.org] *Em nome de
*Martin Gruner
*Enviada em:* quinta-feira, 11 de abril de 2013 04:29
*Para:* Internationalization mailing list of OTRS.org
*Assunto:* Re: [otrs-i18n] RES: Translation of OTRS manual to pt_BR
Hi Carlos,
very cool! I added your file to git and updated it to match the latest
state of the documentation. You can find the new version to proceed
There are some small errors in the content, can you check the
corresponding strings please?
pt_BR/content/installation/packages.xml:575: parser error : Opening
and ending tag mismatch: para line 570 and application
application>cron</application> para Windows. Por essa raz?o, voc? s? deve
pt_BR/content/installation/packages.xml:579: parser error : Opening
and ending tag mismatch: important line 569 and para
pt_BR/content/installation/packages.xml:580: parser error : Opening
and ending tag mismatch: section line 547 and important
pt_BR/content/installation/packages.xml:583: parser error : Extra
content at the end of the document
pt_BR/content/installation-and-basic-configuration.xml:30: element
include: XInclude error : could not load
pt_BR/content/installation/packages.xml, and no fallback was found
This is <important>very important</important> text.
then they also need to be in the same way in the translated file, and
Das ist <important>sehr wichtiger</important> Text.
Could you check this please? Feel free to send more updates to verify
your changes, if you want.
Best regards, mg
Hi Mike.
I grabbed the file you pointed me and started the work all over
again. Since I already got some job done, I'm sending it attached.
Now I?m wondering, after all the things on the right place, if the
documentation got updated the file I'm sending to the list will be
updated too?
*De:*i18n-bounces at otrs.org <mailto:i18n-bounces at otrs.org>
[mailto:i18n-bounces at otrs.org] *Em nome de *Michiel Beijen
*Enviada em:* quinta-feira, 28 de mar?o de 2013 10:56
*Para:* Internationalization mailing list of OTRS.org
*Assunto:* Re: [otrs-i18n] Translation of OTRS manual to pt_BR
Hi Carlos,
Thanks for the initiative!
Your URL point to the old version of the developer docs.
you'd see the documentation is now on Github; source.otrs.org
<http://source.otrs.org> still exists but is not up-to-date for
modules that have been moved to Git.
they actually are!
(BTW there is no specific 3.2 developer documentation, we might
want to make just one 'OTRS Developer' handbook no longer tied to
a specific version)
We'd only need the .po file. If you wish you can send it via this
list, or you can send it via a github pull request if you have the
skills for that.
If you make some progress we can configure
http://doc.otrs.org/3.2/pt_BR/html/ or so to contain your work, so
you can check it on the web, and if you near completion we can add
it to the list of available languages.
On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 2:24 PM, Carlos Xavier
I started a translation task of OTRS manual. I followed the instructions from here
Revision 1.34 - (view) (download) (as text) - [select for diffs]
Wed Feb 6 14:43:56 2013 UTC (7 weeks ago) by mg
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.33: +457 -450 lines
Diff to previous 1.33
Synchronized language version
I renamed the file to doc-admin.pt_BR.po and I'm working on it.
As I already have some work done I got some questions.
The first is, Am I with the correct file for translation or I picked the wrong one?
Looking deeper on the original file, it seams some lines aren't on
the same order they are displayed on the web. This can be seen
for example on the line 1803 of the file, is that correct?
How can I send the translated job done? Do I have to send both .po and .mo files?
There will be a place where I can see how the work is going on?
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Martin Gruner
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Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Burchard Steinbild, Vorstand: Andr? Mindermann (Vorsitzender), Christopher Kuhn, Sabine Riedel
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Martin Gruner
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I: www.otrs.com/

Gesch?ftssitz: Bad Homburg, Amtsgericht: Bad Homburg, HRB 10751, USt-Nr.: DE256610065
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Burchard Steinbild, Vorstand: Andr? Mindermann (Vorsitzender), Christopher Kuhn, Sabine Riedel

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