Martin Gruner
11 years ago
Dear translators,
hereby I would like to inform you about a great simplification in our
translation process. From OTRS 4 on, the GUI translations as well as the
manual translations are managed (exclusively) with,
the leading web based translation management platform. Please find the
OTRS project page there at:
The big advantage for translators is that there is no technical handling
of files and thirdparty software involved any more. Just sign up for a
free translators login on and join one of the
language teams if you want to contribute. In fact you can start the
translation of the OTRS GUI right now to contribute to the upcoming beta
versions of OTRS 4.
It is also planned that the translations of the public OTRS modules
(FAQ, ITSM, ...) are managed via transifex in the near future.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Best regards, mg
Martin Gruner
Senior Developer R&D
Bahnhofplatz 1a
94315 Straubing
T: +49 (0)6172 681988 0
F: +49 (0)9421 56818 18
Gesch?ftssitz: Bad Homburg, Amtsgericht: Bad Homburg, HRB 10751,
USt-Nr.: DE256610065
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Burchard Steinbild, Vorstand: Andr?
Mindermann (Vorsitzender), Christopher Kuhn, Sabine Riedel
Neugierig auf OTRS 3.4? - Besuchen Sie uns auf der IT & Business in
Stuttgart vom 08.-10. Oktober 2014! - Hier geht es zu Ihrer Messefreikarte:
hereby I would like to inform you about a great simplification in our
translation process. From OTRS 4 on, the GUI translations as well as the
manual translations are managed (exclusively) with,
the leading web based translation management platform. Please find the
OTRS project page there at:
The big advantage for translators is that there is no technical handling
of files and thirdparty software involved any more. Just sign up for a
free translators login on and join one of the
language teams if you want to contribute. In fact you can start the
translation of the OTRS GUI right now to contribute to the upcoming beta
versions of OTRS 4.
It is also planned that the translations of the public OTRS modules
(FAQ, ITSM, ...) are managed via transifex in the near future.
Please contact me if you have any questions.
Best regards, mg
Martin Gruner
Senior Developer R&D
Bahnhofplatz 1a
94315 Straubing
T: +49 (0)6172 681988 0
F: +49 (0)9421 56818 18
Gesch?ftssitz: Bad Homburg, Amtsgericht: Bad Homburg, HRB 10751,
USt-Nr.: DE256610065
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Burchard Steinbild, Vorstand: Andr?
Mindermann (Vorsitzender), Christopher Kuhn, Sabine Riedel
Neugierig auf OTRS 3.4? - Besuchen Sie uns auf der IT & Business in
Stuttgart vom 08.-10. Oktober 2014! - Hier geht es zu Ihrer Messefreikarte: