[otrs-i18n] Translations for OTRS 4 on www.transifex.com
Martin Gruner
11 years ago
Dear translators,

hereby I would like to inform you about a great simplification in our
translation process. From OTRS 4 on, the GUI translations as well as the
manual translations are managed (exclusively) with www.transifex.com,
the leading web based translation management platform. Please find the
OTRS project page there at:

The big advantage for translators is that there is no technical handling
of files and thirdparty software involved any more. Just sign up for a
free translators login on http://www.transifex.com and join one of the
language teams if you want to contribute. In fact you can start the
translation of the OTRS GUI right now to contribute to the upcoming beta
versions of OTRS 4.

It is also planned that the translations of the public OTRS modules
(FAQ, ITSM, ...) are managed via transifex in the near future.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Best regards, mg
Martin Gruner
Senior Developer R&D

Bahnhofplatz 1a
94315 Straubing

T: +49 (0)6172 681988 0
F: +49 (0)9421 56818 18
I: www.otrs.com/

Gesch?ftssitz: Bad Homburg, Amtsgericht: Bad Homburg, HRB 10751,
USt-Nr.: DE256610065
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Burchard Steinbild, Vorstand: Andr?
Mindermann (Vorsitzender), Christopher Kuhn, Sabine Riedel

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Andreas Berger
10 years ago
Hi, just wondering what the procedure for adding untranslatable strings is? For instance I can't find the string "Reply to note" and various others.

----- Ursprungligt meddelande -----
Från: "Martin Gruner" <***@otrs.com>
Till: ***@otrs.org
Skickat: tisdag, 2 sep 2014 15:29:47
Ämne: [otrs-i18n] Translations for OTRS 4 on www.transifex.com

Dear translators,

hereby I would like to inform you about a great simplification in our
translation process. From OTRS 4 on, the GUI translations as well as the
manual translations are managed (exclusively) with www.transifex.com,
the leading web based translation management platform. Please find the
OTRS project page there at:

The big advantage for translators is that there is no technical handling
of files and thirdparty software involved any more. Just sign up for a
free translators login on http://www.transifex.com and join one of the
language teams if you want to contribute. In fact you can start the
translation of the OTRS GUI right now to contribute to the upcoming beta
versions of OTRS 4.

It is also planned that the translations of the public OTRS modules
(FAQ, ITSM, ...) are managed via transifex in the near future.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Best regards, mg
Martin Gruner
Senior Developer R&D

Bahnhofplatz 1a
94315 Straubing

T: +49 (0)6172 681988 0
F: +49 (0)9421 56818 18
I: www.otrs.com/

Geschäftssitz: Bad Homburg, Amtsgericht: Bad Homburg, HRB 10751,
USt-Nr.: DE256610065
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Burchard Steinbild, Vorstand: André
Mindermann (Vorsitzender), Christopher Kuhn, Sabine Riedel

Neugierig auf OTRS 3.4? - Besuchen Sie uns auf der IT & Business in
Stuttgart vom 08.-10. Oktober 2014! - Hier geht es zu Ihrer Messefreikarte:
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Martin Gruner
10 years ago
Hello Andreas,

this has to be done in the source code (I can give you more details if
you want). You can either send a pull request that does it or open a bug
pointing to the missing strings and we'll add them for you.

'Reply to note' is now added and should show up in transifex sometime soon.

Regards, mg
Martin Gruner
Senior Developer R&D

Bahnhofplatz 1a
94315 Straubing

T: +49 (0)6172 681988 0
F: +49 (0)9421 56818 18
I: www.otrs.com/

Geschäftssitz: Bad Homburg, Amtsgericht: Bad Homburg, HRB 10751,
USt-Nr.: DE256610065
Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Burchard Steinbild, Vorstand: André
Mindermann (Vorsitzender), Christopher Kuhn, Sabine Riedel

Schlanker, schneller und flacher denn je - OTRS 4! Und für alle, die
MEHR wollen: Entdecken Sie hier die OTRS Business Solution™ mit mehr
Business Features!
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Lars Jørgensen
10 years ago
Post by Martin Gruner
Please contact me if you have any questions.
​Me! Me! Pick me! :-)

I have done a bit of work on the Danish translation on Transifex. How do I
implement my changes in my running OTRS without waiting for them to be
released with the next version?​

Marc Bonsels
10 years ago
Hi Lars,

As far as I know, this is only possible using the transifex cli tools
(see http://docs.transifex.com/developer/client). But it could be that
pulling the translations is only possible for the maintainers of the
project. You should also be able to just download the .po file from
https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/OTRS/language/da/ by clicking "OTRS
(GUI)" from the list, but I doubt that'll help :-(


Marc Bonsels
Research & Development

Europaring 4
D-94315 Straubing

T: +49 (0) 9421 56818 0
F: +49 (0) 9421 56818 18
I: http://www.otrs.com/

Business location: Bad Homburg, Country Court: Bad Homburg, HRB 10751, VAT ID: DE256610065
Chairman: Burchard Steinbild, Managing Board: André Mindermann (CEO), Christopher Kuhn, Sabine Riedel
Lars Jørgensen
10 years ago
Hi Marc,

I can download the .po file easily, but that’s in a different format from what OTRS needs. Is there a way to convert it?

Often I need to see my translations in the actual application to see if they make sense in their correct context. This is not possible with transfix. I appreciate that translation is really easy in transfix, but not being able to view the results in OTRS is a major drawback.
Marc Bonsels
10 years ago
Hi Lars,

Did you try the CLI?


Marc Bonsels
Research & Development

Europaring 4
D-94315 Straubing

T: +49 (0) 9421 56818 0
F: +49 (0) 9421 56818 18
I: http://www.otrs.com/

Business location: Bad Homburg, Country Court: Bad Homburg, HRB 10751, VAT ID: DE256610065
Chairman: Burchard Steinbild, Managing Board: André Mindermann (CEO), Christopher Kuhn, Sabine Riedel
Lars Jørgensen
10 years ago
I missed that point of your post entirely. I'll give it a go and report
Lars Jørgensen
10 years ago
Hi Marc,

Looking at the supported transifex formats (
http://docs.transifex.com/developer/formats/) there doesn't appear to be
one that creates the *.pm files that OTRS uses.

I guess your developers must have some tool to convert the *.po files to
*.pm. Can they make that available to translators?

Marc Bonsels
10 years ago
Hi Lars,

I'm not used to this process, but please have a look at
bin/otrs.CreateTranslationFile.pl and see if that helps you.


Marc Bonsels
Research & Development

Europaring 4
D-94315 Straubing

T: +49 (0) 9421 56818 0
F: +49 (0) 9421 56818 18
I: http://www.otrs.com/

Business location: Bad Homburg, Country Court: Bad Homburg, HRB 10751, VAT ID: DE256610065
Chairman: Burchard Steinbild, Managing Board: André Mindermann (CEO), Christopher Kuhn, Sabine Riedel
Lars Jørgensen
10 years ago
Hi Marc,
From reading the command explanation that sounds exactly like what I need.
I'll give it a go.

Thank you for your patience!
